Friday, June 24, 2011

Travelogue #1

Some say that the best way of traveling is by taking a road less traveled. As a reward you may find a surprise at the end of the road. Be it an abandoned building or a vast ocean. You can also pick a road where you find yourself remote from anything you are accustomed to. Amazingly, even in a remote place full of strangers still you experience a fraternal feeling. Here and there, you find people patiently hoping and waiting for something to happen. Then, you tell yourself: I am here seeking for oblivion..I am here to find out that a real beauty can be invented from a visual imagery of a dog walking around an old bicycle and scraping for fish bones. Then, you come back to real life and very often the feeling of being in a remote place remains forever...

Tach Kim district, Ha Thin Province Vietnam
Film: Kodak Black and White 400







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